/CONCERN #143 Coffee Company

In close collaboration with the Coffee Company team we redesigned (upgraded) the spatial design of their coffee bars. The new design is only to be implemented in new locations, appreciating existing brand values and spatial features. We mostly focused on experience and flexibility. Adressing aspects like functional set-up, ‘the new’ (and ever changing) coffee experience and local neighbourhood characteristics.
Increasingly putting more emphasis on the art and craft of making and the pleasure of drinking coffee.

A showcase of this flexibility concept is the location on Treublaan 18, Amsterdam. This is set up in cooperation with ‘same door’ neighbour Flinders, a design (web)shop. All the project-furniture in the Coffee Company area of this location is supplied by Flinders, thereby extending their showroom respectfully into the coffee bar.

Project team Concern: Gilian Schrofer, Koert Broekman

Location Meent 12-14 Rotterdam, Treublaan 18 Amsterdam, Javaplein 14 Amsterdam

Photography by Scagliola/Brakkee